Friday, February 13, 2009

Well here I am setting up my first blog with the help of my nephew who happens to be 3000 miles away. I really don't know why I'm setting this up as I really don't have too much to say, but Eric's is so inspirational. He just seems to have it all together at 23 years old. I feel like I"m still trying to get myself together.

I'm going through what I think is a mid-life crisis. My son is getting ready to graduate high school in June and I really don't know what to do with myself. It is hard to let go, but even harder still that he ready for us to let him go.

I have recently taken on the hobby of scrapbooking and stamping and I love it!!!!!!

I'm not necessarily a very creative person, but there is just something about making cards for friends and family that make it enjoyable. You can put a personal touch on the card that only I, the maker, and the receiver may know and understand. I suspect that those closest to me will be getting cards for no apparent reason, just so I have something to keep myself busy.