Thursday, March 12, 2009

Crazy in Citrus Heights

That says it all. I really am going crazy. I won't go into more detail. There may be friends and family that read this and they don't need to know the gory details, not yet anyway it is still to raw and I'm right in the middle of it. Lets just say treating with a psychiatrist should be enough for them to figure out. I believe crazy runs in the family and it landed on me........ whoo hooo......good times. The hardest part is not having an definitive diagnosis yet. Just when I beleive I'm feeling better and we've got the meds just right, crash!!!!! It can be scary, but I got my peeps, as the kids like to say, well maybe the kids, kids. Right now I'm just trying to keep on keepin on.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Well here I am setting up my first blog with the help of my nephew who happens to be 3000 miles away. I really don't know why I'm setting this up as I really don't have too much to say, but Eric's is so inspirational. He just seems to have it all together at 23 years old. I feel like I"m still trying to get myself together.

I'm going through what I think is a mid-life crisis. My son is getting ready to graduate high school in June and I really don't know what to do with myself. It is hard to let go, but even harder still that he ready for us to let him go.

I have recently taken on the hobby of scrapbooking and stamping and I love it!!!!!!

I'm not necessarily a very creative person, but there is just something about making cards for friends and family that make it enjoyable. You can put a personal touch on the card that only I, the maker, and the receiver may know and understand. I suspect that those closest to me will be getting cards for no apparent reason, just so I have something to keep myself busy.